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Monday, December 27, 2004

 Two Balls

No, nothing naughty with the title above, but rather I just brought a rather two interesting balls that you can swirl around your hand. It's called the Chinese health ball. It's interesting to note that while the ball might look like an oversized guli1, it's actually fun to manipulate the balls while maintaining one's health. This is because in Chinese traditional health care, the movement of the fingers and the base of your foot have effects on your health.

This is what I got from the small print on the box:

Instruction for Cloisonne Health Ball. With more than 700 years history, the Health Ball dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The two balls can produce nice sound of high and low respectively when Play in the palm, which help to remove diseases. Its health-caring function comes from the ideal of traditional Chinese medicine: that fingers are closely connected with ones health. Through fingers movement, the function of ones brain and internal organs can be strengthened, so as to help blood circulation and to remove the fatigue. It is good for ones health and make long-lived.

Interesting isn't it? Our health is connected well on our hands and legs. Wonder what will happen to those people that were amputated?

1 Guli is a glass round marble that we used to play when we're small. It's kind of like collecting rubber bands. You bet the game with rubber bands and while the ante is on stake, you need to use your skills to win the game and claim your opponent's rubber band.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger zgirl said...

Where do you get to buy those? I have seen it on tv ... 

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Well, you might want to check it out at the trinket shop. As for my case, I found it over in Kek Lok Si way cheap. Make sure you bargain first before buying... 

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