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Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Okay, before y'all start thinking what is this shit... WOW is short for World of Warcraft. Yes I admit recently I went over to the dark side and start spending my time on the MMORPG1. How does it fare? Well, aside from being like many other MMORPG games out there, WOW actually takes the meaning MMORPG to a whole new level.

One interesting about WOW is that it relives from the story from Warcraft III. It has excellent race/class/profession balancing. Why I say this? Imagine you have to play as Warrior or Hunter. Both have totally different ways to handle your character. However after playing for a while, I somehow realize that they are all aimed towards the same goal, but somehow in a rather skewed way to approach them.

Well, that's all for now. Lemme play WOW for now. Think I'll have very less updates for time to come...

1 MMORPG = Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game


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