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Friday, July 30, 2004

 Headless Chicken

I realized many of our customers are like a headless chicken. Realizing that they've called to the wrong department, they quickly retorted that we didn't give them the number to call. I was so surprised at that response that I made my own research:

1. Our Confirmation Letter showed that we removed the contact number - but it still showed a typical contact for a specific system customer purchased
2. Our website clearly showed the correct number
3. Our phone stated clearly which option to push for a specific support

And yet, there are still so many customers called in saying that:

1. It is not clear our on phone recording...
For support in Desktop, please push option 2
For support in Notebook, please push option 3
I was thinking to myself, what's harder than that? Customers still keep calling into my line despite that they are fully aware that they owned a desktop (I'm support notebook, PDAs & projectors), and yet they still push option 3 on the telephone.

2. Your website didn't show what is your contact number...

I checked our internet directory and found that the number is correct and if customer dial correctly, they will be provided the number as above. What's so hard to look in Google? I don't understand the customer's conception. If they cannot find the number, the first thing they do is to call Sales. I can't fully blame them on this as the Sales too are a bunch of idiots because they give the customer the wrong number. Who would be on their right mind to give customer our number supporting for servers?

One of the wise old tech support guy said: "There will always be stupid people. It is because of them that we can keep our job." I couldn't help thinking about it. Perhaps it is so. God had give them an advance neurotic organ called brain to help them make deduction and rational thinking. Yet, these people obviously never even try to utilize them...


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