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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

 Project Three - Not Good

In the midst of completing the project, suddenly a fellow colleague came over and told me there is a problem with the database. I tried running the program in my computer and found no issue. To make sure, I run on my desktop, and test it on my notebook: No issue.

Went over to the colleague's place and found it gives a lot of error, whereby the database said it cannot update it's internal query. Not getting a satisfied answer at his terminal, I have to switch to programmer mode. I went back to my place an scan the program line by line.

After like 3-4 hours of code-probing, I found no problem. In fact I find no issue or whatsover linking to the problem my colleague faced. I get another colleague and get him to test on the program. True enough the problem pops ups. A few minutes later, a few other colleagues also reported the same issue.

I'm in deep trouble.

The program rollout is supposed to commence by today but the unexpected bug came out. When I checked the localization status, I found that the same problem hits to our Korea, Japan, China & India counterpart. The colleague came over and look through the program and make up a joke:

It seems the the issue only occurs to those non-programmers.

I rewind his words and suddenly it does hit something on the wall. I realized that the programmer doesn't have any problem at all but all the non-programmers will definately face the ever same issue.

I better fix this before the shit hits the fan.

Why I'm worried on this is because the South East Asia (SEA) Team is the last to implement the localization. China team was the first to localize the program on their server. I wasn't going to let China Team run over my team. I ran the check on authorization/permissions and found that it was strictly on read only. After setting it to read/write, I ran a test with the non-programmer mode again. It worked. I finally published the writings and managed to grab the glory!

SEA Team is the first to resolve the localization problem.


At 12:07 AM, Blogger KEF said...

Jase, BRAVO! *hug*

That's the spirit! Hope your team or you get rewarded for this initiative! 

At 6:42 AM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Actually that's the first phase to make the localization worked on system. Each of the head office must make a documentation report detailing on how to get it to run on specific server around the globe later on. 

At 8:40 AM, Blogger gotenks said...

hmm, what is "localization"? deploying the system for use locally? meaning no networking with other region?

any chance that it somehow relates to "globalization"? 

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

Localization means the database/application is used on local office. We can't afford to access directly to another country because of limited bandwidth and will cause a severe crawl. Each of our office network is set up differently, and thus in need for the localization process. 

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