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Thursday, July 29, 2004

 Localization My Foot!

Problem with my Project Three. Now some idiot on top management agreed to help another centre, namely India. The idiot never actually consulted us whether can that be implemented or do we have the resources to do that. And to makes matter worst, I get mixed reply. At first I received mail from India people saying when the website is up? Then I checked with the localization officer and found my team's job is only to do the SEA localization.

After some back and forth email, I found out the naked truth. Apparently a top management big-shot promised to host the tool on our server, on our premises and stripping away half of our bandwidth to make-do for the India office. Problem now that he is unaware now is that we have only one running server at the moment and it simply cannot run 2 database host at the same time. I can do the modification but if I do the application transfer to them after they managed to obtain their server, they'll face tremendous problem porting it to their server.

*sigh* These management people are so engrossed to becoming a bigshot that they put more brainpower to shoe-shine upper management that they forgot the real people doing the jobs are the one below them.


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