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Friday, July 30, 2004

 Trading Places

Whoa, just shifted my place. It's like an anual thing. Every year each personnel will change cubicle place once or twice. Up to date nearly 3 3/4 year with my company, I have changed places 5 times.

Tired like hell. Although my new place from my old only take 5-6 steps away, the reality of the cubicle is that the way it was designed: you practically have to walk a big round just to get to the new place. It was like another 20 metres. Basically 20 metres is a short distance but imagine you have to go back and forth to move my things. I got stacks of documents, drawers, monitor, CPU, phone, posters, mugs, etc.

After I managed to transfer all to the new place, I have to clean those stuff and then it led to slow arrangement to fit in my new place. The place is still an old cubicle but it has provided view of 100% incoming/ 75% outgoing people. My colleague, Fuminari on the other hand has the opposite stats (75% incoming / 100% outgoing).

Quite a cozy place, but it's very dangerous as I sat a few cubicles off the director *sweating*... That reminded me of Anand's place. That is one lucky bloke who has his back against a wall of window. He has the view of 100% incoming/outgoing and can do anything in privacy (playing games, watching movies, watching those non-sanctioned websites, etc)

And the lousy thing was the place was situated to a high traffic area, so I have to beware of what I see on the screen. Beautiful women, newspaper, gaming screenshots & those non-office related work are a target of people getting on your back. Other than that, the place is fine. Let's see how I enjoy the place this coming Monday...


At 12:12 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

no need to jealous la Jase...
you can come to my cube anytime wan... kekekek :D 

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

What can I say... some people are just born lucky... 

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