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Sunday, August 01, 2004

 Sam I Am

Just saw the movie I Am Sam over HBO, it's a very touching movie. It's a movie about a mentally challenged father is trying to fight his way to raise his daughter while the American justice system is trying to take it all from him due to the fact that he cannot even provide her with the basic necessity to live. Both main character Sean Penn & Dakota Fanning gives a great performance how the US law can actually take a daughter from a father she loved if he was not qualify to a certain degree.

Sean & Dakota was able to put in a lot of emotion and how they two tried to live together on a scale that she's has better intelligence than her father. As a father who loved his daughter so much, he was willing to work overtime/2nd job/bonuses in order to get to see his daughter twice a week. Trying to win his daughter back from the justice system, he enrolls the help of Rita Harrison (Michelle Pfeiffer). As Dakota's character was put into foster care, her foster mother Laura Dern tried very hard to protect her from ther father. As the plot goes on, it goes to show that even her maternal instinct cannot rival the love between the father and daughter.

Michelle Pfeiffer and Laura Dern gives so moderate performance, however with the intervention of Rita's character, this gives the movie a focus look into single working mother and how it strained her relationship with her son.

A great movie, recommended for those who like drama. Those action seekers can sit this show out.


At 8:48 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

I was surprised to watch this. And it was really pity when the father didn't show up for the peliminary hearing of the daughter after the court took them away. And he presented the letter, oh my, that really touched my heart... 

At 1:50 AM, Blogger KEF said...

I am Sam, not only was I touched, I teared for him. I was so moved.

I also stopped looking at weird people weirdly then after, reminding myself of Sam... trying to survive, wanting a living... 

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

I saw another rerun. I can't believe I cried! I CRIED! That goes to show at least I'm still human... 

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