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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

 A Christian Abuser

Just put down the phone for a really stupid conversation. Call ring and I picked it up.

Customer: "^$@#$^%#$#@!%*#*^$!!!"
Me: "Can I help you?"
Customer: "I cannot install a software"
Me: "Okay... can I have your tag number first?"
Customer: "Where is it?"

Take another 10 minutes to guide customer where to look. And it actually explains on the manual page one! Even before customer put in the battery, it clearly shows the tag is important. I soon realized that this customer was illiterate.

Customer: "Your company has a stupid policy of helping the customer. You don't even put a warning sign to say the tag is important!"
Me: "If you must know sir, there's a sticker with the warning before you attach it to the PDA."
Customer: "Shit lar!" (drop the phone and provided the service tag)
Me: "Thank you for your coorperation. How can I help you?"
Customer: "I got problem installing this software into the PDA..."
Me: "May I know what software this is?"
Customer: "It's this thing called King James Testament..."

And it was a bible! And the stupid idiot has the audacity to actually scold me when I picked up the phone. The bloody idiot really has no idea what he was dealing. Tried to guide him but stumble on the naked truth. Customer is trying to install the program that has already been installed on the desktop. He thought the Pocket PC & Windows XP uses the same software. Argh, he doesn't even understand the hardware implication posed on the software! After a while talking to him, I realized he was really an idiot.

*Dummy Mode: On*

Tried to help him. He's not as rude as before. And guess what. The poor idiot has zero idea on operating his Microsoft Windows XP!. I give up. I really give up. I give him a couple of forum website where he can seek for help. I really "fook cho khui" (in Cantonese) and proofed one of my toughest cases. The line held for nearly 1 hour 10 minutes.


At 12:08 AM, Blogger Jaselee said...

And get this: he called in again, and he managed to install the Bible Reader but there was no bible in there. Asked me where to find the bible. I thought of asking him to go to the Church... *sigh* 

At 12:12 PM, Blogger ashotiwoth said...

maybe he never heard of G-O-O-G-L-E kua.... typical ID 10t symptom.. :D kekeke 

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Jaselee said...

A person with an IQ 60 or less will not be able to use the search engine effectively... 

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