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Sunday, April 10, 2005

 Buddhist Association Photoshoot

Recently a bunch of us photogs has been invited to go for a photoshoot session with the Buddhist Association of Penang in Botanical Garden. It was led by a master and a lot of apprentices appeared to take shoot the model. Despite of many new learner showed up, a few masters showed up as well, those having professional camera equipment to even a point and shoot.

And that's where the fun starts. It seems that the group are fun bunch of people dedicated to make the photoshoot event a success. The lighting was great, and we're able to make do of many of the model's appearence. The masters do provide some insights about world of photography but hell, do we need that? Alright, I was just joking. I can't help but to stand to listen up to some lecture the masters are providing.

Other than that, the main events are the models themselves. This is the first time that we have 3 models shoot at a go! We tried very hard to juggle between them but it seems the last 2 was taken up by most of the photogs, so a bunch of us are only left with one (picture as above).

For more of the swirling action, here's the link.

More of the recent model shoot? Here's Teetoo, Bonus Chan & Bitbytes9.


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